That's right everyone! I am FOUR YEARS OLD today! Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday I was in puppy class learning to sit and stay.
Mommy said that I need to stay four forever. She doesn't want me to get any older. :) Although she said this morning that I am a lot gassier at four than I was at three . . . I have been stinking them out lately. I told Mommy I need a different food. :)
Archie's birthday was in June. He turned 1 year old! I have to say that the little guy has grown on me. He's pretty much my best friend now. We play ALL THE TIME. Our favorite time to start wrestle mania is right when Mommy & Daddy are ready to go to sleep. :)
Here are some pictures of Archie's first birthday.
He's not so happy about the hat. I wore it so much better . . .

But he LOVED the Frosty Paws.

Mommy bought us a little pool to play in. It's been sooooo hot here. Mommy didn't think Archie would go near it, but he loves it!! I am still not sold on it though.

Anyway, sorry we have been so quiet since February. It's been a busy year so far. Mommy & Daddy got married in Jamaica in May (uh-huh, they had TWO puppies out of wedlock!! SHAME) so they weren't around to help me with the computer too much.
But this really nice lady came to stay with us while they were gone. We had soooo much fun. She took us for tons of walks and loved on us and gave us lots of treats . . . She got really scared though--on the last day before M&D came home, I tried to eat a bee. I thought it would be like eating June bugs--I do that all the time. Oh no. This little bugger bit me back!! My lip swelled up and I didn't want to eat. Our poor doggy sitter was so worried. When Mommy took me to the vet, he just told Mommy to give me Benadryl and I would be fine. He lectured me about the dangers of eating random bugs though . . .
After all that excitement, we are just being lazy and enjoying the summer. :) That means lots of snuggle time with Mommy & Daddy.

Welcome back! I've missed you. Archie sure is cute. Happy Birthday to you too, Archie.
Happy 4th birthday, Sweet Ginny. Hope you had a great celebration. Uh oh - do you think I'm also going to have more gas? I didn't think I could get more, especially lately. I've been blowing them right out of the room! I'll be turning 3 next week. I can't wait.
Congratulations to your mom and dad on getting married. How exciting. Soon you might have some human pups to play with.
Happy Birthday Ginny!!!! You sure are a gorgeous 4 year old! Our mom has the same question about Opal.. although she is only 2, she has the worst gas now! I better not get worse as she gets older!
Congrats to your parents on the marriage too! It's always nice when the pawrents make it legal! (pretty pic too!)
The Puppies
Happy birthday(s)! I am glad that you got to have another party - my people finally remembered my birthday this year and it was awesome! But about the gas thing...I never have gas - or maybe I do, but I have to run with my people for miles and miles every day and maybe it all leaks out then!
Welcome back! We have missed you! Happy belated birthday, Ginny! And congrats to your parents!
So glad you are doing ok. Don't go trying to eat anymore bees now.
we love birthday parties!! hope your parents had a great wedding!!
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