Sunday, January 4, 2009

Puppy pictures!

Mommy was digging through all our pictures (helping me catch up on my blog) and found some pictures of me when I was a puppy! I was sooooo little. Okay, not as little as Archie, but I was pretty darn small!

Here are a few for your enjoyment!!

I think this was taken one of my first nights with my new mommy & daddy.

This is my daddy. Isn't he handsome? I love him SO MUCH. I am such a daddy's girl.

I LOVE watching football with Daddy. Actually, I love anything that involves being with Dadd

Look at those stripes! Mommy says I look like a tiger. Growl!!

Little froggie . . .

My favorite bed when I was little. I think I tore it apart. Oh well, I wouldn't be able to sleep on it now that I am a BIG GIRL.

Right after I went to live with my new mommy & daddy, they had a garage sale. I don't really understand how that works. We still have the garage, so I don't know how we could sell it . . . But I took this bear from the garage sale pile and adopted it. It's mine now. :) I was outside sleeping by the tree during the sale--people kept asking how much Mommy & Daddy wanted for me!

This is my mommy. I used to be able to lie on her tummy, but now she says I smoosh her. I still try though!!

Just another football Sunday. I was "watching" a game with my daddy. Okay, I was sleeping. Football watching is hard work.

1 comment:

The Puppies said...

Your puppy pictures are soooo cute!!!!!! You were so little!! Mom says the same thing about me (Opal) that i am too big to lay on her now, but i do it anyway!!!!!
The Puppies
p.s. thanks for the award! we will put it up this weekend (we are kind of bad about posting regularly too!!! Or at least we have been lately)